Briar has started Mother Goose. It's a baby group where you learn and sing nursery rhymes to the babies with other moms. I'm just glad they keep the doors closed when we're all singing away. I am sure it is not a 'heavenly sound'.
Jeff is home from a course in Comox. He's stoked to be back. He and Olivia picked blackberries today.
We had an incident with a bear in our backyard the other day. It has been eating the plums and tore down the back fence. I couldn't figure out why the dogs had been acting strange for the last few days (I actually thought there was going to be an earthquake. Don't they say that animals know?) Anyhow, the bear broek down the fence and ate the plums. Then the deer got in and ate every leaf and peach off my dwarf peach tree that had just grown peach this year. The kicker is that they took a bite out of each one and then left it. Couldn't they figure out that they didn't little it the first time? I guess Bambi isn't know for his abounding intelligence...
Anyhow, kids calling. I'll write more some other time.
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