So much has happened since the last time I updated. Let's see if I can remember it all.
Olivia and I didn't end up going to Saanich Fair the other week. Instead, we went to Swan Lake Nature House. We had a great time. We checked out the snakes, turtles, bees and ducks. There is a reading room there and we read many books and did some puzzles. Olivia loved the little science experiments. She says she wants to be a 'bird scientist' when she grows up.
Briar has changed noises from blowing raspberries to growling almost incessantly. He communicates almost every emotion with various pitches of growling. Jeff thinks it's hilarious and they have little growling 'conversations' with eachother.
Jeff is home. We've all been enjoying his return. This week, however, he will be going to school in Comox taking a stability course...Marine stability, not mental stability.
Olivia has started at her new preschool and loves it. They made apple sauce and fed the miniture horses the first day. She is completely enthralled by a tiny door that she found in the side of a tree at preschool and has been asking all about fairies ever since. Olivia wore a purple boa to school on her first day. I thought it was pretty cute.
Briar has become so interested in everything around him that he has begun to not sleep as well as he has in the past. I must admit that I was a bit smug about his sleeping habits. He is waking very frequently this last week and doesn't fall asleep as easily as before. I don't know if it is the change in routine since Jeff is home or if Briar is just switching up due to teething. Kids are a mystery...
Olivia entered the Sooke Fall Fair with her dog, Freckles, a photo, a drawing and a flower arrangement. She won 1st prize for largest pet, 3rd for best dog trick, 1st for her photography, a book with her flower arrangement, and a participation ribbon for her drawing. She won $4 for her ribbons in the pet show. We had one proud little girl here. She loved it and is already talking about what she'll enter next year.
Today, we are taking my mom to catch the bus to the Vancouver airport. She is flying to Australia to visit my brother, Adrian. Olivia is going to miss her Oma a lot.
Well, I think that is about all.
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