Wow! I can't believe how fast time goes by when you're busy. It's already the end of Summer!
Olivia starts preschool again next week. She'll be going to a new one but this one has mini horses and pygmy goats just like her old preschool. Her little buddy, Angus, will be going there as well. We bought her lunch box the other day. She's pretty happy with her new pink Superman lunch kit.
Briar is doing really well. He seems to love women with glasses on. He laughs hysterically when he is talked to by senior ladies with their specs. Pretty cute.
Briar is now taking his baths in his 'tummy tub'. He loves it. The water seems to stay warm longer and I think he likes sitting up. It does look like he is just sitting in a bucket, though. Olivia thinks it's hilarious how his legs and feet are magnified in the water through the see-through plastic.
Jeff should be home soon. He's pretty homesick for the kids. I can't wait to have him around to share all their new feats with him.
Olivia and I will be going to the Saanich Fair this weekend. My mom will be having some time with Briar while we're at the Fair. Olivia tells me that she wants to go on the ferris wheel.
We celebrated my birthday the other day. Mom came with a cake for after dinner and hung out with Briar while Olivia and I went to the beach. It was a nice quiet day.
My grandparents and dad came out for a visit a couple of days before my birthday for a birthday visit. Dad held Briar who fell asleep on his lap...When Dad got up to leave he had both spit up and diaper leakage on his shirt. Oops!
I have switched to cloth diapers recently. I actually really like it. They are so soft and cozy. Everytime I change Briar's diaper with a cloth one, I feel satisfied that it is one less diaper for the land fill...I do use more water now but...I hear that a baby creates one tonne of diapers for a landfill per year and that cloth can save $1000 on diapering costs.
Anyhow, that is the most recent news.
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