Sunday, May 07, 2006


Hi Everyone,

We have just moved into our new house in Sooke. It's wonderful to be in a bigger house. Today, we will be painting Olivia's room purple (her favourite colour).
We are waiting for Jeff to come home over the next few weeks. He should be home by the 21st of May.
We are also awaiting the arrival of our second little one. The 'pea in the pod' is due May 31st. It still feels a bit surreal to me that we will have TWO kids soon!
Anyhow, we will keep everyone posted with any new news through this blog as we have been have phone troubles as of late. Argh. Telus.

Jackie and Olivia


Anonymous said...

Hey, this is very clever, you little computer geek, you! Now I know what a blog is. How is Olivia feeling today? Jaiden asked to go to your house this morning, before she went out with Dad(while he was getting ready!). When will your phone be repaired?
Supper's ready gotta run

Anonymous said...

Hey, What a great idea!! Hope you are doing well, and the rest of your move went well. I can feel your frustration with Telus, I have been there. Take care, Danielle

Anonymous said...

Hello Jackie and Olivia:

Glad to see you're finally home.
Olivia: Tonight you get to sleep in your special purple room. Made specially for you by mommy and oma. Sweet dreams, Cupcake.
Take care Jackie. Talk to you soon.