Briar Jack Chandler was born on May 29th, 2006 at 2:02am!! He is 9.003 lbs and 21.5 inches long. Labour was very, very quick and without any complications. In fact, we are already home!!! I am tired as I haven't had any sleep yet but Briar has been sleeping like a mini log. Nursing is going well and output seems to be right on the button.
Olivia is beside herself with excitement and wants to hold the baby constantly. She has been calling the baby 'Prince Philip'.
Jeff and I are so happy that the labour was so much easier than the last time and are thrilled with the new addition to our family. Briar is an absolute darling and I could stare at him for hours.
He seems to have Jeff's nose. He has SO much black hair and great mitts for hands. He makes little snoring moaning sounds when he sleeps...perhaps he has inherited his daddy's ultra-sonic snoring abilities.
Anyhow, here are some pictures of his first day.
Happy Birthday, Briar!!!!
Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you all. He's adorable. Love you lots!!
Hello there: I sure enjoyed my visit with you all last night. Olivia, take care of your mommy and Briar. That's what big sisters do. They are mommy's right hand assistant. Jeff, thanks for a great supper last night. I loved it. And little Briar, you are just too cute for words. I hope you let mommy sleep for a while. I'll see you all soon. xoxoxoxo
Congratulations!!! What a cutie! Madeline was so excited for Olivia, and asks everyday how she is. Hope all is well. Take care and hope to see you all soon! Danielle, Wade and Madeline
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