Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day

Last Mother's Day, Jeff sent me a beautiful dozen red roses in the morning. In the evening, he surprised me by coming home from fishing. He had said at the time, "See! I'm learning!" because for previous Mother's Days (when he had forgotten) he had protested "But you're not MY mother!" It was one of those things that you getting testy about but laugh too....Like how he gave me a tool box for my 25th birthday wrapped with toilet paper.
I loved that about us. We had a normal marriage. We had great times and difficult times. But always, ALWAYS we would laugh about past issues. Our arguments of today would be fodder for tomorrow's laughter. I miss that. I can't laugh about anything anymore. Nothing is worth the effort. Nothing is funny without him.
That's what I want for Mother's Day. To laugh and to sleep. A laugh and a nap.


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day, Jackie. Wishing you laughter and blessed sleep.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day, Jackie. I hope you get a little nap...