Tuesday, May 20, 2008

from the strangest places

I've been reading so many books. Devouring is more like it. I am trying to find answers. Unfortunately, the answers I'm looking for never come in books. I'm still trying, though. So many of the books that claim to have knowledge of what happens after death are ridiculous and silly. The ones that claim to have scientific 'evidence' of some existence after death and not 'scientific'. I kind of feel like I've hit a 'dead end' with these types of books. I have, however, begun to read about Quantum Physics (aka Quantum Mechanics). I've been interested in this subject for quite some time but my short forays into studying it before have been fruitless. I am now finding new meaning to many of the principles of Quantum Physics. It's hard to explain as I cook dinner and have two little ones running amok around my legs, but I have to say that I am intrigued...maybe a bit obsessed at the moment. I am hoping that all this 'research' provides me with some sort of answer. Even a glimmer of a possibility of a survival of some form of consciousness.....


Anonymous said...

Have you checked out The Physics of Immortality? I have't read it personally but I often hear reference to it

Anonymous said...

I want to reach into the screen, give you a big hug, and say that I have the answer. I know that you are searching...I'm sure it is driving you to insanity...it doesn't have to be like this.

I am a normal mom just like you, not a crazy lady, I promise. :-) Please know that Jesus is the answer. He wants to hold you and tell you that it's going to be okay. That He loves you and cares for you. All you have to do is reach out to Him. Talk to Him. Ask Him to answer your questions. The Holy Spirit is a comforter and will walk through this with you. I know that you are a highly intelligent, bright, loving women and it may sound crazy to rely on a God that you may think took your wonderful husband from you. I can't explain it nor justify it, but there is a reason for everything under the sun as horrible as some things are. I know you want to hit me right now and yell curse words out and that's okay, but I have to tell you that God loves you and wants to help you! I can't be afraid of what you'll think of me, because I want you to find answers and peace.
I don't have a clue what your experiences (or lack thereof) have been with God, but give Him another chance. Open the Bible and read Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes and just start asking God to help you through this and He will.
Prayers coming your way from Seattle.....