To celebrate Liv's birthday this year, we went to the 'big city'. As always, one of the highlights of the trip was the ferry ride. I remember being SO excited as a child to catch the ferry. It didn't matter where we were going, I just wanted to ride the ferry! My kids seem to have the same infatuation. The wind, the expanses of deck to run around on, the card games brought aboard, the special snacks, occasionally seeing people you know travelling to the mainland as well. What's not to love?!

The two hour ride went too fast for the kids and we had moans of "What? We're here

My wonderful friend, Erin, and her girls came over with us to spend the day. I am so glad they came! It made the trip even more special.

We saw many of the varieties of fish that Jeff caught and I remembered stories and info that Jeff had told me about some of them. It made me feel close to him.

Liv has been completely tranfixed by the
live web cam of the baby beluga that was born at the aquarium. She begged to go see Qila and her calf in person...er, whale. I'm a bit torn since I appreciate the educational purposes of the aquarium but I am loathe to see these animals out of their environment, in relatively puny tanks just for the enjoyment of people. But we went anyhow. Liv was so stoked. So was Briar.

My brother, Adrian, met us there and thankfully carried Briar around the majority of the time in the
Beco (Have I said how much I love this thing?!) I find it fun hanging with my siblings. I find now that we're older it's like being with good friends who share many of the memories I do and have the same interest in dorky science-y stuff. Also, the same sense of humour.

Liv's favourite part of the aquarium ended up being the jellyfish. I had to tear her away numerous times to keep up with us. They
are mesmerizing with their undulating, glowing movements. But jellyfish?! I brought you here for the whales!

After the aquarium, we took a trip to Ikea. Erin had never been there so it was quite an experience for her. I only went for a duvet cover...Came home with a few more things. Bloody hell.

Getting back to the ferry after our excursion was interesting. I have to say that I am SO glad that I live on the island. I don't know how people handle that traffic everyday.

I find it all so loud and there are too many things I want to look at. I feel exhausted and overwhelmed. Maybe I'm just getting old. I remember soaking it up as a teenager when I'd skip school to go to the city for the day. Now I just find it stressful.

Happy birthday to you
Happy Birthday to You
You're an amazing photographer! :-)
I really enjoyed my time in your big city but sadly it was only a few days, just enough time to stock up at MEC for new gear before heading off into the wilds... Looks like you had a lovely day. I must say that you have one very good looking family...
Hello there! You don't know me but I'm a friend of Krista's and I've been reading your blog since it happened... I haven't commented before but I cherish your writing and I have been holding your family up to the universe in my own way and hoping the best for you.
One thing I had been meaning to mention is that I work at the Vancouver Aquarium and I had once thought, I should offer you a visit, but then I thought you might think that was wierd coming from a complete stranger... Anyway I was too late!! So.. if you ever want to come AGAIN with the kids, please let me know and I will be happy to put you on the guest list so you can save the admission!! Just contact me through my website.
Your story has touched me so much and has really helped me go through some difficult times recently too, it's one small tiny way I can help if you ever come over to the city again. I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough to offer it before!
-- Alana
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