Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It's going to take 10 weeks to get my camera back from the 'shop'. I am feeling very unexpressive without my camera to document our various activities. I have always taken a ridiculous amount of pictures to capture these moments for memory later. Since Jeff's death, I am even more aware of the need to record these memories as I am the only adult here to 'keep' them for the kids now.
I am SO grateful to have been lent a camera in the meantime....but I have to say, I miss the various (seemingly extremely important) functions of my dear camera. It feels like my arms were amputated. Then someone lent me one bionic arm. I can pick my nose, but I can't tie my shoelaces.....Okay, it is totally NOT like losing arms (I am so sorry if it sounds like I am poking fun at amputation) but you get the point. I want my camera back....yesterday.


Anonymous said...

My offer is still open!


Anonymous said...

Jackie, Your most recent post made me smile (about the Camera and the one bionic arm) I want you to know that I have been praying for you. I found your page from Dawns Blog. I was so shocked and devastated for your loss. I keep checking back because I feel a NEED to know that you are ok. But that's silly. You just lost your husband and best friend. Your Not ok. Not now, but you WILL be. You HAVE to be. I lost the link to your page and actually googled you! I am going to add you to my page so I don't lose you. I want you to know that you Matter to me. Your writings are so spot on. I am so happy that you have a venue to write and express your feelings. God Bless You!