Sunday, February 24, 2008


Oh, what an amazingly fabulous day it was today!! The sun was out all day. The kids played outside for the majority of the daylight hours. I managed to complete AND post the newest crown. I sold a windchime! We made ginger snaps with our homemade butter.

We did foot print paintings and removed all the hearts from our tree and started with our new seasonal theme.

We have decided that decorating our window tree with the birds that we have seen throughout the Winter at the feeder and the newly arriving birds would be appropriate for this 'in-between' season. I wasn't sure how to show root babies, etc. with the tree so we've gone with a more avian theme. So far, we have the red-winged blackbird, the fox sparrow, house finch, rufous-sided towhee, red-breasted robin and the common flicker. Tomorrow, we'll add the dark-eyed junco and the black-capped chickadee. I think the swans, Canadian geese and the ducks may be too big fo our little tree....also, I have never, ever seen any of the larger birds in a tree...the thought of it makes me giggle, in fact...kind of like a monkey wearing glasses or a fish on a bicycle....Okay, maybe it's just lack of sleep.....

I had to include this photo of Briar pretending to breastfeed the cat. My sweet, sweet little boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Crown? Beautiful.
Day? Fabulous!
Window Tree? Brilliant! (And going to be pinched! ;) )
Sweet Boy? Made my heart sing...Xxx