Thursday, February 28, 2008
By the way....
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I had to include this photo of Briar pretending to breastfeed the cat. My sweet, sweet little boy.
Gnorman and Gnaomi the gnomes
I, also, have a crown in the works.!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I found some beautiful blue satin at the thrift store today! After it's washed, it'll be going to work on the newest crown. I'm going to see if I can get it finished up tonight....we'll see as I need to have a shower, tidy up a bit and get ready for our playdate tomorrow....Does anyone ever NOT feel overwhelmed and too busy after having kids?
I found a FABULOUS kids book today about the human body!!!! Liv and I spent an hour tonight reading it. It's so interactive and there are so many things to check out! There is even a 'baby' in a womb that floats around in water. REAL water. So cool.
It has been so beautiful here. Foggy. I LOVE fog. Love it. Love it. Love it. It is bone-chilling cold in the fog but I love the mystery and stillness. When I used to live in the fishing village where Jeff and I met, I would pray for foggy days....and windy days. The wind would blow the fishing boats in and it would mean that he'd come to town. I especially loved it when the power in town would go out and we'd have to start the generator at the pub where I worked. A large proportion of the town's population would head down to the pub and have a good time. Music. Sometimes scrabble. Lots of friends. A few drunken annoyances. But it was always weather with an "!". The fog was like that too. You couldn't see acroos the harbour...In fact, you could barely see ten metres in front of you. Cold but cozy. I miss that.
I would move back in a nanosecond if it hadn't become some gorby (tourist, actually 'Geeks On Rental Boards') attraction. Everything is so different there now. It's no longer a small fishing village; it's a tourist mecca. It's odd to see the people that you used to see walk through town sporting a tobacco stained beard, gum boots and a leashless dog now wearing khakis, short hair and selling some time-share to a beach front property with the name of some local flora or fauna. Do I sound bitter??? Anyhow, it's only a couple hours away. I can visit the weather.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Our beautiful children....
Saturday, February 16, 2008
books, books, books
Monday, February 11, 2008
Oh September, don't you cry for me....
And even though the Morning Glory or bindweed is a 'weed', it is SO beautiful.
I did it!!!!

I am a bit insecure about listing my 'things'...I'm not sure why that is. Fear of failure? Fear of people's opinions? I don't know. I wish that those feelings of inadequacy would go away as I got older! I guess it's one of those things that I need to work on...

I LOVE this sweater that my Mom just knit. It has this soft ethereal feel to it. Krista totally helped me out by taking the photos for me for the sweaters! I was having a heck of a time doing very well it myself. I think the photo quality for Mom's sweaters went way up with Krista's shots. She takes such amazing photos!