These are the 'Rainbabies' that I made for Olivia for Chirstmas....Unfortuantely, the book didn't arrive in time...So she got them for a rainy day toy after Christmas. I actually think it worked out better this way. She enjoyed the surprise and has been taking them everywhere.

A close-up of one of the babies....

I made Briar a whole set of farm animals out of wood for Christmas. They have been well-loved and this poor horse has already lost his ear. They're a definite hit, though!

Moe, in his usual day-time position.

Olivia attending the 'Snowflake Ball' with her Sparks troop. She was SO excited! We did have a bit of a fiasco regarding her clip-on earrings and losing one of the stones, however. Poor kid. She was VERY upset.

We had an encounter with a barred owl...at the mall (it was in the parking lot). I had no idea that barred owls hunt during the day!

He was dozing the majority of the time.

Liv was catching rainbows in her hand.

My sister moves this week to here in town!!!!!! I've been keeping an eye on her little house for her while it waits for them to arrive. It was lovely and sunny there yesterday.

Our window tree has been turned into a Valentine's love tree now. We wrote all the people that Olivia could think of that she loved....I think it's so sweet she included 'Mother Earth'.
P.S. I am having intermittent computer troubles....It's actually a miracle that I ahve managed to get this stuff on here. Anyhow, if you don't hear from me for awhile, that is why!
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