Here are the pictures that I referred to in the last post. Enjoy!!!

Daddy and his little ones...

It's so hard to get all of them looking and smiling at once.

Olivia's last day at playgroup with Sandy and Lindsay.

Olivia and Thalia at Sportball.

All the kids and teacher, Lee, at Sportball.....and evidently me and Briar in the reflection of the mirror!

Olivia and Angus with Miss Jodi on the last day of preschool down-island...

The newest addition to the preschool farm. There were actually two of them but I couldn't get a good picture of the most shy one.

Briar and Papa take a walk.

Olivia and Angus read together.

Olivia wearing Angus' nose.

The kids went for a walk in the stroller to the spit with my mom. Briar fell asleep on Olivia's lap.

Briar and his 'hawk

Happy Easter morning for Briar!!

Little buddies...

Briar takes a turn driving.

Bean in a bag...

Olivia Easter present from us...I know it's pretty big for Easter but it had been under our bed for awhile and I wanted to get it out before we moved!

I love this reaction! I guess she spotted another egg.

Briar tackles an egg - shell and all.

Easter booty...

Checkin' out the basket on Easter morning...

I love her sweet little face...

Robo and Briar share a snuggle...

Upside down.......

yay!!! The Easter Bunny came!!!!

Briar and his Easter present from us.....

We brought a picnic down to Jeff on the boat one day while they were working in the harbour. We all loved it! We even saw the bridge go up!!! I had never seen that before in all my years of living here.

Messy but cute face.......

Photo by Olivia.....

Bean makes a friend......

Briar takes it all in.

Is it just me or does Robo look a bit like a Vulcan in this picture?

Olivia experiments with noise.

Oma and Briar on a walk to the local Tim Horton's.

Briar and Daddy have a chat.

Excitement all over a mud puddle!!!

My Peanut....

My Snoopy-headed man....

The blond....

And the MUD PUDDLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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