Saturday, July 19, 2008

heading out

So tomorrow is the big test...Can I really camp without Jeff? With two little ones AND sanity partially intact? I'm dreading/excited about it. A bunch of us girlfriends and their kids are, one husband. I don't know if he knows that no other men are going. We had a similar camping trip last summer with Jeff as the token husband. I didn't actually tell him that his camping companions for the week would be all female or under four feet tall until we all arrived and were setting up the tent. *snicker* He wasn't impressed at first but soon had a great time. He had us all giggling and we, in turn, had him shaking his head at some of the conversations that he found himself privy to.
So, wish me luck putting up our ridiculously large tent (it even has a lightswitch!) without his help or any instructions (he threw them out). I'll take pictures of the finished product.
I'll update in a week when the camping laundry is in the machine and the campfire smoke has been washed from our hair.


Anonymous said...

Have a great time in the wilds. Will be thinking of you under the big sky. Hope you see some great northern lights - I am not sure if you can from where you are, but I saw some brilliant night sky's when I was in Canada. xxx

Anonymous said...

oh wow .. have fun with your estrogen o.d

We have some kick ass camping locations here on the coast where I live.. like stepping into a fae filled paradise.
heck our one mountain is called "elphinstone"
for real.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an adventure! I think I need one of those soon...

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a blast.:)

Anonymous said...

Good for you for tackling this yourself, Jackie! Don't underestimate how much it means that you're even willing to try it.

I took my first camping trip without Charley about 13 months after he died. And it was a flaming disaster. Anna was too young--23 months--and I was falling apart, grief-wise, and it was just an awful, awful trip. The two camping trips since then (my own "fuckles" of a dog notwithstanding this last trip) have been great.

I'm keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed that you have a nice trip, with far more good moments than bad and with wonderful conversations with friends. Good luck!!