Sunday, March 30, 2008
The autopsy results revealed that Jeff died of a pulmonary embolism. It was most likely cause from prolonged periods of sitting while running the boat.
I hope one day I can live again.
If anyone can think of a way that I can make money to stay home with my children, please let me know. I am afraid. I want to be able to raise our children the way we had decided was best. How will I do it (homeschool, SAHM) with out a source of income? What am I going to do?
A wonderful loving heart stopped beating on March 25, 2008 when we lost an amazing, crazy and kind man, Jeff Chandler.
Jeff was born in Liverpool, Nova Scotia on 1962 and lived in Nova Scotia until moving to BC in 1988. He was a devoted commercial fisherman and loved to be at sea. He was the skipper of the Cape Morien. Jeff loved to laugh and make people laugh with him. He was a very large man who resembled a Sasquatch; but was a true teddy bear at heart to those he cared for and to children and animals (except fish, of course). Jeff always had a story or fish to share with anyone around. He loved playing with his children, having a job to do,and building in his workshop. His dogs, Eli (Bucket-head) and Freckles will miss him terribly.
He leaves to mourn his adoring wife and best friend, Jackie, daughters, Olivia and Jessie (1st marriage), sons Briar and Glenn(1st marriage), parents Rita and Gary Veinot and Aubrey and Sheree Chandler, siblings Lisa (Gordie), Tabitha, Amanda and Jake all of Nova Scotia. He also leaves many saddened family members and too many friends to count in both BC and NS.
He was predeceased by his son, Kyle, his brother, Craig, grandparents, Gerald and Beatrice Cross, and grandmother Felicia Chandler.
Funeral arrangements are in the care of Sands Funeral Home. Viewing will be Monday 3-4pm. The funeral will take place on Tuesday, April 1st at 2pm. A Reception will follow.
In lieu of flowers, a trust account has been set up for the care of Jeff’s small children...
Also, any stories of Jeff and his life that you can share would be very happily received to be included in a book so his small children may know and remember him through these stories.
*some of the obit info has been removed*
Thursday, March 27, 2008
the loss of my love and my life
I tried so hard to save you, Jeff. I tried. I am so very sorry. I wish I could go back and try again. I would have given my life for yours.
I miss you....endlessly.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
my butterfly box
It looks like it is sitting on my lampshade. It's not in real life.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Easter-y festivities
BUT, I will say that I do not suggest hosting an Easter egg hunt in a field where many sheep and goats have recently grazed and therefore POOPED. *internal shudder* Chocolate and crap are brown. People walk on the brown poo and the brown (although mostly tinfoil wrapped) chocolate eggs that are strewn on the ground BESIDE OR ON the poop and little hands pick it up and eat it....the chocolate and the crap. Gives new meaning to crappy chocolate, doesn't it? Now what are the signs for E.Coli so I can keep an eye out for them?
We did have a moment of hilarity, though, when the kids were waiting for the Easter Bunny's appearance....
and saw this....
That slayed me!! It was so....odd. This beautiful natural setting suddenly marred by this mangy, moth-eaten, ill-fitting costume of an ENORMOUS rabbit. He hopped into the setting, waved, hopped out and sat behind a tree occasionally peeking out and waving. I can imagine that he was tuckered out from leaping about in that ridiculous rabbit-shaped monstrosity and had to sit down and smoke a cigarette. (Not that I condone smoking at all, it just looked like that sort of situation). I don't know WHAT I was expecting but it reminded me of that scene in 'A Christmas Story' where Ralphie goes to see Santa. Pure hilarity!
Liv later told me that she didn't think that it was the 'real' Easter bunny because she could see hair out the back of his gargantuan head and his eyes were way too big.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
there's a Spring in my step
Happy Spring everyone!! (and Happy Fall to those in the Southern Hemisphere!)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
marshmallow madness
You make my day too!!!

Krista - Thanks for the marshmallow making fun!
Rach - I love your comments and your blog.
Purple Grasshopper - Your artwork is fabulous and I love it.
Christina - Thanks for making my daughter's ....years with Maisy.
Kirsten - I know you'll never do this, but you are a fabulous sister and I am SO lucky to have you!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
best play-dough ever
I stumbled upon this book at the Sally Ann quite awhile back. It has crafts and recipes that are SO easy but a tonne of fun. We have made the play-dough in here two times and it lasts and stays pliable for ages. We made it about six months ago and it is still going strong! It is softer and smoother than the store bought stuff and not feeling rough from too much salt like most homemade recipes.
I thought may be someone else out there could use a fabulous play-dough recipe: 500 ml (2 cups) flour
250 ml (1 cup) salt
5 ml (1 tsp) cream of tartar
25 ml (2 tablespoons) oil
5 ml (1 tsp) food colouring (optional, but more fun, in my opinion)
500 ml (2 cups) water
-Mix ingredients in saucepan over medium heat while stirring constantly. It's done when dough starts to leave sides of pan.
- Remove from saucepan and knead for a few mintues once it's cool enough to touch.
*We just keep ours in a closed container when we're finished.
We have babies!!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
life goes on?
Just a few months ago, I wrote a post about liberating the blog from being primarily about our family and make it a source for the unburdening of MY mind. The majority of my mental release has always been creative (okay, that and talking).
As a child, my creative outlet was painting/drawing, reading or imaginative play. As a teenager, basically, whatever supplies the art class provided became my medium and, again, reading. It was at this time that I had decided that I would LOVE to illustrate children's books. My favourite illustrator/author was always Steven Kellogg.
As I got older, my life veered onto different tracks and into different towns. I worked in a pub for seven years where I would sit and draw on quiet nights and even took some distance education college courses. When I moved from that little town, I moved in with Jeff and started going to school in the hopes of getting a degree in Graphic Design.
Weeellllll, life happens so differently than we plan so often and we were very shortly expecting our fabulously amazing little daughter. I didn't continue with school after Olivia was born, but I have tried to keep 'crafty'.

I so do not regret my life or my family. They are the BEST things that have ever happened to me....I am just having a major case of the 'what-ifs'.