These are for bird feeders to make with Liv...

These are for Briar (after I've painted them and added some shoes laces)...

This painting inspires me to paint. Ah! No time!!!
Okay, I am taking over the blog. I'll still write about the kids, the dogs, Jeff (not necessarily in that order) but I feel the need to write about....well, about MY life. An unburdening of the mind and soul, if you will. I'm not totally sure WHAT I'll write but, it'll be mine. One tiny corner all to myself!
So, here goes:
I have been crafting. I am LOVING crafts. The problem is that I have FAR too many idea and not enough time to finish them all. I have always had trouble staying 'on task' and I am now running into this problem again. If only I had an entourage; I could delegate and do all the fun parts, leaving the crappy stuff (cutting out the patterns, preshrinking the fabric, picking up supplies, etc) to my 'team'. OOOooo, it's sounds heavenly and crafty. I could be as flighty as I wanted and still get everything done!
I am trying to make as many of the Christmas presents that we hand out this year as I can. I did pretty well last year, but I swear I started earlier or was more organized. I keep hearing people saying how many shopping (p-shaw! - try making!) days until Christmas and it makes me want to vomit a bit in my mouth.
I have been making Olivia and Maisy clothes that match, a doll sling, felt animals, etc. Suddenly, I had this AWFUL realization that I hadn't made a thing for my sweet little Briar. Now, I have borrowed a scroll saw and intend on making little wooden farm animals for him and maybe a car or two. ACK! HOW am I going to do all of this?!
Gotta go stare at my pile of to-do projects and hopefully, get something done.... (Note to self, STOP looking at Etsy for ideas! I have too many already!)
Hi Kirsten, my sole reader. I guess I am basically writing to you!