I have been meaning to write this thing for a bit. Oh how time flies...We've had Halloween, Jeff has gone fishing and returned and I've developed an affinity to shopping on the 'net for used kids stuff (argh!).
We had a fabulous Halloween. It was a cold, clear night and we had a ball. Olivia was a cow and Briar was a pumpkin.
There was a little party at Olivia's preschool earlier in the day. Later, we went Trick-or-treating with Olivia's buddy, Angus, his mom, Sheila and his sister, Grace. Briar was all snuggled in his stroller. In fact, I had him dressed in so many layers that he couldn't actually bend!
Olivia LOVED the walking around in the dark and kept exclaiming that she saw a ghost! It was actually the poor, terrorized deer that were trying to hide from the teenagers blowing off their firecrackers, but she was convinced it was some phantom. Ha!
Olivia had quite a small bag for her goodies. Quite early on it was full and she resorted to saying, "No, thank you. I have one of those already," when being offered anything from a sucker to a chocolate bar. I think she just enjoyed ringing all those doorbells. Eventually, I emptied her little bag into the stroller basket so that she could get a bigger stash (for Mommy and Daddy to eat). It was actually hard to convince her to do that because she 'didn't want to be greedy'. Such a funny kid...
Briar has developed a love of maracas! Olivia handed him a pair one afternoon while he was in his jolly jumper. We haven't been able to separate them since. He jump and shakes, jumps and shakes. Quite hilarious!
Jeff and Olivia went down to my grandpa's boat the other day to give a hand 'winterizing' it. Jeff told Olivia that they had to get the boat ready to hibernate. She had a blast and told me all sorts of wonderful stories when they arrived home in the evening. When asked what her favourite part of the day was, she responded that 'loved looking at the engine'. I guess Jeff had her climbing into the tiny engine room to retrieve something and she thought this was the most interesting and awe-inspiring place. She told me that it was very hot in there and she put up her hood to keep her cheeks cool. I love her stories.
Anyhow, here are the pictures of our last couple of weeks.

Aren't I corny? Oh, dude! There is my dad's sense of humour!!

Olivia's new eyes. Who needs coloured contacts?! Get some wooden veggies.

Briar with his toupee-like hair. Isn't he cute?!

Olivia and Angus writing in the gravel at the 'spit'...

The buddies on the giant roots...

Climbing to the roots...

Sheila, the witch, Angus, the snake, Grace, the witch, Olivia, the cow, Briar, the pumpkin...(I was a viking).

Which one isn't like the others?

Olivia refused to wear her coat under her costume because it would 'feel funny'. I love it! Comfort over aesthetics! That a girl!

Colouring a face on a pumpkin...

Our behemoth pumpkin, Ned, on a sled...

Mommy's little cow...

It's hard to tell, but she is asleep holding a book in this picture.

I love that smile...

She is the best big sister, isn't she?

Briar and his maracas. He's going to join a salsa band as soon as he can...