Sibling snuggle...


Oma and the kids...

Our cutey patootey...

Briar sitting in his fancy new high chair...

Do you like the new 'do?
I've been trying ot keep up the posts but, alas, I am not so on the ball these days. Trying to slow down time is like attempting to stop a full blown temper tantrum!
Anyhow, Olivia is in preschool on Tuesdays AND Thursday now. It's a choice that I am, so far, regretting. It just adds to my panic when there is something to do EVERY day. She is also in ballet on Fridays (SO stinkin' cute) and playgroup on Wednesdays. Needless to say, in the afternoons she is tuckered rightout. She's been playing a lot with her little friend, Angus. I find that I am missing her and our fun times together. My little buddy is such a social butterfly. Anyhow, this weekend I am going to try to ensure that we have a bit of Mommy and Bean time.
Briar has been not feeling very well. Consequently, he hasn't been sleeping well. Poor little guy has had a fever and is just, generally, miserable. Last night, he woke up screaming. I still don't know what was wrong. I have NEVER heard a baby make that noise. He'd, suddenly, go as stiff as a board while arching his little back and let out a terrifying scream. He looked so sad. Oh, how I wish I could have made it better faster. The doctor figures it is his teeth beginning to come through. Unfortunately, I don't see any bumps in his mouth to prove this theory so I am afraid that this misery will continue for awhile.
Jeff has gone fishing. He'll be running the boat and is very happy about it. I hear that the boat has lots of quota so he doesn't have to 'pick around' as much.
I've been just going along with the tide. I feel like I always have something in my hand to put away, something to clean up, somewhere to be or someone to pay attention to. I am a bit frazzled; so if I haven't replied to phone calls or letters, please, don't take it personally. I have you on my list, I promise.
Anyhow, I am going to try to get some pictures on here. Here goes....